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I currently want to add a podologist, and I have no idea which tags to use.
After some Research, I am not even sure that this term is clearly delineated from a podiatrist, some info is here - it seems that a podiatrist performs surgery while a podologist doesn't, so I don't know if it's appropriate to put a podologist under healthcare=podiatrist.

Here are a few variants I have seen:

  • There is office=podologist which is used quite frequently but tends to be combined with other things such as shop=medical (example) - quite often these nodes also have no healthcare tag at all.
  • For healthcare:specialty, there is podiatry, podiatrist and podologist - which makes me wonder which one should be used - I doubt it makes sense to have all three in use
  • For healthcare, usually podiatrist is used, but I have sometimes seen doctor as well
  • This is the only node in the world with healthcare=podologist

asked 07 May '20, 14:05

xerusf's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

AFAIK the main difference is between (medical) doctors that practice podiatry as a speciality and other foot-related healthcare occupations (for example creating medical shoe inlays). The wiki would seem to support this view so

amenity=doctors, healthcare=doctor, healthcare:speciality=podiatry for medical doctors

healthcare=podiatrist for none-medical doctors, potentially with other tags if associated with a shop or similar.

The added complication seems to be that in some regions of the world the lines are not drawn so clearly.

The healthcare tagging is "relatively" recent so you are bound to find old and not differentiated tagging.

permanent link

answered 11 May '20, 07:59

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 07 May '20, 14:05

question was seen: 1,411 times

last updated: 11 May '20, 07:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum