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I get that in a broad sense, the route starts at the from=* location and ends at the to=* location, but what exactly do they refer to? Are they the specific bus stops at the start and end of the route, or are they the general area/suburb those stops are located in? Do the electronic banners above the bus' front window mean anything?

asked 06 May '20, 05:18

Zismac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to the wiki it should be the name of the station. I read that as the name of the bus stop. IMHO, that means it is not the suburb, not the name on the banner of the bus, but the name as found on the bus stop.

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answered 06 May '20, 08:08

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


As with many things relating to public transport, the problem with referring to the wiki is that it often depends on which page you look at (and also when you look at it as they tend to get edited quite a lot). The "buses" page ( says that to= is "The name of the destination of the bus. Many buses display a banner across the top of the bus with the destination, and from= "The name of the location where the bus is coming from. This does not have to be the name of the bus stop."

For the two cities I am most familiar with, the tags seems to generally follow the labelling used by the bus operator on banners and on bus stops themselves, which are typically areas or suburbs rather than specific stops. But no doubt other cities use different conventions.

(06 May '20, 10:27) alan_gr

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question asked: 06 May '20, 05:18

question was seen: 1,439 times

last updated: 06 May '20, 10:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum