Im interested in starting a website that is free that would have similar functionality as Im want people to be able to login to a website, put in some info and have it drop a pin where they are on the pad so if i were to go to the map and search a zip code or query a product or something the pins would all show up depending on zip code or queries. these pins would be user placed. How do i make something to have that happen? where would i start? im pretty much a newb. any advice at all would be great. Im trying to start a free website to help small businesses get through this hard time.
This question is marked "community wiki".
You should start by looking at nominatim and openlayers. In particular have a look at the openlayers marker example. I hope this provides a good starting point, but be prepared for a couple of weeks of learning and testing. Openstreetmap does not provide turn-key solutions for every possible website containing a map but concentrates on collecting the raw geodata. |