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I have recently mapped out my campsite but I cannot see 'camp pitch' areas on the map after publishing/uploading

Anyone know why this is?

asked 02 May '20, 18:33

Joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What tag did you use ? Would you share the location ? Which map are you checking ?

There is a variable lag before the maps are updated...


(02 May '20, 18:51) H_mlet

Use to see your camping specific edits, see @escada's answer below for the reason why you may not be seeing them on the default website.

(02 May '20, 22:40) n76

Hi, Please see :-

Apparently the approved feature tag is tourism=camp_pitch. Used to map individual tent or caravan sites within a campground, along with ref=* I take it the ref would be the pitch number.

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answered 02 May '20, 20:34

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 02 May '20, 20:35

The map you see on does not show all possible tags. tourism=pitch is probably one of them. Please do not start fiddling with the tags so some lines appear in that style, we call that Tagging for the render.

In some cases the tags are shown on other maps, but I do not know one that shows tourism=pitch.

You could try to create an issue on github, but in the end the maintainers decide what they want to show on "their" map.

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 02 May '20, 21:44

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 03 May '20, 06:56


As noted by @escada, the default rendering at doesn't show everything.

There is, however a camping map at which does. And, if I recall correctly, it synchronized data from OSM on a very rapid interval so your changes show up pretty quickly.

(02 May '20, 22:39) n76

Yeah but it doesn't work the area isn't shown on the map. All the paths meadows woodlands and buildings are showing no problem

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answered 02 May '20, 20:37

Joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Ah, Sorry I thought you meant you couldn't find the right tag. Can you link to the site or give your OSM editing name/handle. Then folk can have a look and maybe help.

(02 May '20, 20:41) BCNorwich

any help with how to use tags etc much appreciated thanks all

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answered 02 May '20, 20:49

Joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It look great now. The campsite name is displayed when you zoom out. I don't know why they decided to hide from zoom level 18, but why not.

Only problem I see is that you've drawn everything over the forest ! In OSM we don't (usually) layer things like that. Either you set the forest as a multipolygon, and set the meadow (or the campsite area) as inner (hole in the multipolygon). Or you just cut the forest polygon.


(03 May '20, 15:25) H_mlet

I have perhaps found a solution to use the area as grass and use a node for camp pitch

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answered 02 May '20, 21:03

Joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 02 May '20, 18:33

question was seen: 2,050 times

last updated: 03 May '20, 15:25

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