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I'm just trying to download polygons of regions for Bahrain country and it seems there is some issue for Capital Governorate. If you open: it is showing proper border as per Wikipedia.

But if you go to get WKT you can see it is different shape even

It seems it is giving wrong points and I'm not sure where to report or how to fix it.

asked 29 Apr '20, 11:12

alexzd89's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, You have to refresh the original geometry to get the latest polygon.

permanent link

answered 30 Apr '20, 07:29

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thank you, appreciate your help

(30 Apr '20, 08:07) alexzd89

@BCNorwich Is there way to do it myself for future cases?)

(30 Apr '20, 08:18) alexzd89

Hi, I don't know how/where you got your link to WKT but if you click on that link there is a box entitled "Refresh original geometry" Click it and the geometry is updated.

(30 Apr '20, 08:49) BCNorwich

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question asked: 29 Apr '20, 11:12

question was seen: 1,291 times

last updated: 30 Apr '20, 08:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum