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Sometimes I come across a map where a portion of it is obscured by cloud cover, but not the whole thing.

In those cases, is it better to make no changes and mark it as "bad imagery", or better to map what I can, upload it, and then mark it as "bad imagery" when I'm done? Or is there a better solution?

Thanks in advance.

asked 29 Apr '20, 04:34

Michelle%20Y's gravatar image

Michelle Y
accept rate: 0%


You are not giving us enough clues to give you a proper answer.

What are you working on with which app? Are you using the HOT tasking manager?

In general there are multiple global imagery layers that can be used and typically not all of them will have cloud coverage.

(29 Apr '20, 08:14) SimonPoole ♦


On your Changeset: 84301870 Bing was about the worst image possible.

You can change the imagery background in the iD editor. Open the editor, click the layer symbol on the right side of the screen (shortcut B), there you can choose from several options your background display. You can try them all to pick the best to work with. Scroll down the background box and there are options to adjust the intensity of the display (brightness, Contrast etc,) and at the bottom, you can adjust the imagery offset. Imagery offset is important and must be set against several good GPS traces if they are available.

Hope that helps you, Regards Bernard.

permanent link

answered 29 Apr '20, 08:22

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Bernard, thank you for that information. It's very helpful! I found the layers button in iD editor and was able to review different layers for a new task.

I went to my edit history and was able to pull up the changeset you mentioned, but I couldn't figure out how pull up the aerial imagery - I tried different map views and could see the roads and buildings, etc., but that was all. Can you help me out with seeing the view I would have been mapping based on?

Thanks, Michelle

(29 Apr '20, 15:38) Michelle Y

Hi, I'm not sure I completely understand the question but. If you get to your changeset in OSM, this one, you then have to click the little down arrow next to the Edit button, then click on Edit with iD. The area of your changeset will then open in the iD editor. If that's not the answer please try to give a bit more info. Regards Bernard

(29 Apr '20, 18:19) BCNorwich

That's what I was asking :) Thank you!

(29 Apr '20, 23:30) Michelle Y

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question asked: 29 Apr '20, 04:34

question was seen: 1,244 times

last updated: 29 Apr '20, 23:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum