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hey guys, im use Open Street map i have implemented in my app where all the markers are showing with cluster and some are individuals. here i is the image of it.
alt text
i have issue for get collection of markers which are visible in screen except cluster (Just want to find individual markers) so how can we get marker collection for android

asked 28 Apr '20, 07:02

alies26's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Apr '20, 17:03

H_mlet's gravatar image


I assume you are talking about umap. This help site covers many more topics than just umap. So please make this clear in your question.

(28 Apr '20, 08:46) escada

yes @escada actually i want markers list which are showing on map except cluster data do you know how can we get on load map?

(28 Apr '20, 12:13) alies26

Do you mean a javascript call that would return a list of markers displayed (excluding the clustered ones) ? Or a popup with that list displayed ?

I'm even sure either one is possible...

(28 Apr '20, 17:07) H_mlet

Actually i'm not use java script i implemented it in a native android in which i set all the markers from server but i want that marker collection which we can see in screen of device(as per u can see in image with purple marker) which google map provides you easily with function "ClusterManager.markerCollection" so is any way to get data like this?

(29 Apr '20, 13:35) alies26

So you're not using uMap as you said to escada ?

First step would be to tell us what library/framework you're using, we can't guess without any context. The answer to your question is probably extremely specific.

(30 Apr '20, 13:20) H_mlet

yes im use this two library for open street map in native Android
1) implementation 'org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:6.0.1'
2) implementation 'com.github.MKergall:osmbonuspack:6.6.0'

(01 May '20, 05:08) alies26
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Indonesia (HOT ID) launched a mobile application called Geo Data Collect (GDC) (on GitHub). Geo Data Collect is a mobile application used to assist you in doing the field survey.

permanent link

answered 29 Apr '20, 02:11

martinmbaihaqi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Apr '20, 02:11


This is great news but, how can it be related to the question ?

(29 Apr '20, 02:55) H_mlet

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question asked: 28 Apr '20, 07:02

question was seen: 3,911 times

last updated: 01 May '20, 05:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum