A few years back, I saw a tool that allowed to see the volume of mails per OSM mailing list. it even allowed to filter by e-mail address and such. I can't seem to find any reference at all to it anymore; Anyone have an idea, or who to ask? |
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A few years back, I saw a tool that allowed to see the volume of mails per OSM mailing list. it even allowed to filter by e-mail address and such. I can't seem to find any reference at all to it anymore; Anyone have an idea, or who to ask? |
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question asked: 24 Apr '20, 12:20
question was seen: 537 times
last updated: 24 Apr '20, 13:18
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Not sure if this is what you're thinking about, but I might have mentioned a one-line shell script that I wrote once somewhere:
So "listpeople.sh osmf-talk 2020 February" will show you what name posted how many messages to a particular list in a particular month.
I wrote that for a giggle after someone noticed the same names cropping up on the tagging list again and again and suggested that a bit of self-selection might be in order in some cases to let everyon's voice be heard.