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Hello guys, I'm a novice editor, I'm trying to transform a park in my neighborhood into an eligible place to appear gym ex on Pokemon go, I researched and found that I have to put TAG = Park, I did it however when I use the OVERPASS Turbo website to check it does not appear to be right, I would like to know what I did wrong and if possible if someone can edit it right for me I thank you thanks follow attached pictures

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asked 18 Apr '20, 20:06

lukasmkent's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Your query has a date in it. It doesn't consider edits that occurred after that date.

I think that's when they stopped updating the maps?

(18 Apr '20, 20:56) maxerickson

oh guy i think you are right , i changed and show , thanks brother

(18 Apr '20, 21:01) lukasmkent

If the quotation marks you used in the name tag are not in the actual name of the park on a sign or other official designation, they should not be used.

(19 Apr '20, 01:02) AlaskaDave

Read more about it: Niantic used OpenStreetMap database from the date (supposedly 17 July 2016) to determine those features.

(19 Apr '20, 04:15) AkuAnakTimur

Please don't map and tag features just to make the pokemon game work as you want it to. That's not what OSM is for, only map and tag features as they are on the ground. Regarding this edit the park seems to be a genuine feature and was indeed drawn and tagged correctly before your edit adding the name.

The park tag is in the database correctly.

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answered 19 Apr '20, 07:43

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

I am not a game player. Never have been, never will be. My concern when I read about something like this centers around using a precious resource, the OSM servers, for gaming. Even if Pokemon Go players are using a static copy, it still ties up resources that could be better utilized for something more meaningful.

I'll bet most Pokemon Go players don't know the history of Niantic, where it came from and what happens to the data you generate while playing this "game". It was invented by Google who uses your "digital exhaust" to track players and target them for purchases. The game idea is merely a front to acquire the raw material Google and other mercenary parties use and sell and sell again.

Knowing how Google views your privacy and that they treat our personal data as their property gives me pause. We all merely pawns in their end game but Pokemon Go players aren't even aware of it. The OSM open-source model is both a strength and IMO its greatest vulnerability.

(19 Apr '20, 10:08) AlaskaDave

I thank everyone for their help, I'm trying to improve the gameplay in pokemon go, but the edits I'm making are true, I'm not modifying just to have an advantage, so I came here to ask you how to do it because there is a real park, very thank you all now it gave certain ,if I modified something wrong it wasn’t intentional, that’s why I opened this question, so I could do it right thanks again

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answered 19 Apr '20, 12:55

lukasmkent's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Apr '20, 12:57

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question asked: 18 Apr '20, 20:06

question was seen: 1,993 times

last updated: 19 Apr '20, 12:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum