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I am using osrm for route api. The response i got from osrm route is geometry and nodes. I want to slit the line-string to response given below.

Desired example of response:

    [73.08365, 33.662523],
    [73.083333, 33.662344],
    [73.083071, 33.662188],
    [73.082894, 33.662081],
    [73.082701, 33.661965],
    [73.08239, 33.661795],
    [73.082159, 33.661643],
    [73.081923, 33.661474],
    [73.081135, 33.660951],
    [73.080701, 33.660661],
    [73.08046, 33.660509],
    [73.080272, 33.660384],
    [73.08002, 33.660224],
    [73.079741, 33.660072],
    [73.079371, 33.659875],
    [73.078969, 33.659648],
    [73.078336, 33.659313],
    [73.077741, 33.659],

    [73.077741, 33.659],
    [73.077194, 33.658714],
    [73.076765, 33.658496],
    [73.076508, 33.658344],
    [73.075672, 33.65792],
    [73.075012, 33.657576],
    [73.074465, 33.657295],
    [73.073929, 33.657031],
    [73.073023, 33.656571],
    [73.072438, 33.656281],
    [73.071983, 33.65604],
    [73.071457, 33.655763],
    [73.071044, 33.65554],
    [73.070401, 33.655196],
    [73.069993, 33.654959],
    [73.069511, 33.654723],
    [73.069136, 33.654535],
    [73.067977, 33.653959],
    [73.06742, 33.653669],
    [73.066894, 33.653401],
    [73.066487, 33.653204],
    [73.065948, 33.652923],
    [73.06547, 33.652668],
    [73.065084, 33.652463],
    [73.064677, 33.652262],
    [73.063941, 33.65186],
    [73.063378, 33.651552],
    [73.062907, 33.651307]]},
[[73.064677, 33.652262],
[73.063941, 33.65186],
[73.063378, 33.651552],
[73.062907, 33.651307],
[73.062354, 33.650985],
[73.061856, 33.650713],
[73.061486, 33.650512],
[73.060987, 33.650244],
[73.060424, 33.649949],
[73.059218, 33.649297],
[73.057212, 33.64827],
[73.056328, 33.647792]
properties:{"osmname":"Bay Parkway","osmhighway":"primary","osmoneway":"no","osmwayid":5675398,"start_node":36202597,

But the response i got from osrm route api is given below.

osrm route api response:


Now i want to create response like above mentioned example.

asked 17 Apr '20, 07:18

ahsan368's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Apr '20, 09:20

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

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question asked: 17 Apr '20, 07:18

question was seen: 1,692 times

last updated: 17 Apr '20, 13:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum