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I would like to know if it is possible to display a map with a pin by passing the address data in the URL? That means: I dont know latitude and longitude of the address I want to display, I just know City, zipcode, street and housenumber.

asked 16 Apr '20, 12:06

normannescio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You'll find a lot of relevant information in this recent question.

Simple answer is , but it has limitations.


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answered 16 Apr '20, 14:10

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

You can search by address by appending search?query= to the URL, like this:

...but that won't show a marker on the map, at least until you hover the mouse over one of the Nominatum results.

You can add a marker to the map by specifying latitude and longitude with mlat and mlon parameters:

...but there's no way to do that with just an address.

However, if you're willing to do a two-step process, you can first query by address to get coordinates (you can use the Nominatum API directly, or just use the search?query= method and pull the top result's coordiates from the redirected URL after the #map= string) and then construct a marker URL with the mlat and mlon parameters.

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answered 16 Apr '20, 19:34

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 16 Apr '20, 20:27

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question asked: 16 Apr '20, 12:06

question was seen: 12,957 times

last updated: 16 Apr '20, 20:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum