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While mapping, I came upon a secondary road that seems to be going over a reservoir/lake. With Bing imagery which is very old, the drawing is correct. However, with Maxar imagery, ESRI imagery, it seems there is now a reservoir there and the road has ceased to exist along with the bridge that was there. Attaching an image:

alt text

Here is the location:

If the road does not actually exist over the reservoir, the right thing to do is to split the highway from the edge of the reservoir, remove the middle portion that intersect the reservoir and remove the bridge. However, I want to make sure that is what should be done before doing it.

Thanks in advance.

asked 14 Apr '20, 10:47

mmahmud's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

That road S-4 seems to be fairly important. Before cutting a piece out I would make sure it did not get diverted. If it just got cut off then what you proposal makes sense. But if there is another course for the road now you don't want to take away the availability to route over it.

Not sure how active mappers are in Eritrea but I would first try to reach out to the local community. You could try to contact the mapper who created the reservoir outline last year, although it seems they aren't a local mapper, either.

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answered 14 Apr '20, 11:10

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

@TZorn : On a quick glance I could not find an alternate route however the reservoir is definitely there. I check with recent Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 images as well just to make sure. Yeah, it seems they might not be a local mapper, just like I am not. However, if the route does not exist there anymore, the right task to do is to update it otherwise that is just wrong information there.

(15 Apr '20, 04:53) mmahmud

Could the reservoir be seasonal, and the road thus be usable only part of the year ?

(15 Apr '20, 18:19) H_mlet

The lake has a dam and here's a Utube vid. if i have the correct one?

(15 Apr '20, 18:37) andy mackey

@H_mlet : Reservoir or dams cannot be seasonal. @[andy mackey]: The dam is definitely there and therefore the road should be edited. However, I am still waiting for some concrete evidence that that there is an alternate route across.

(16 Apr '20, 02:33) mmahmud

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question asked: 14 Apr '20, 10:47

question was seen: 1,411 times

last updated: 16 Apr '20, 02:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum