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Where do you put the road signs, mainly stop signs? Do you put them where the sign exists or next to the post on the road? For the stop sign, do you put the stop sign on the intersection even if the sign is a meter or two back?

KEY> |-Side Road ==-Main Road ...-Nothing

So, do you put it at "◘", "!," or "+," I'm sorry if the lines don't line up :)

asked 12 Apr '20, 09:59

Timbot4x4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't usually map stop (or giveway) signs by themselves as signs by the side of the road. I guess that would be the good thing to do for completeness. But it adds no functionality: Routers and navigation apps will not find or process them and no renderer I know of will display them. Though I suppose some renderer somewhere might or might in the future.

What I do map is the effect of the sign on the road. I'll put a node on the way at the point where the driver is to stop or yield and tag it with both highway=stop|giveway and direction=forward|backward.

The reason for this is, in my opinion, the primary reason for mapping stop and giveway signs is for routing and driving directions.

Routers and navigation apps will not find or process signs that are place beside the road in OSM. They will, or at least should, find and process nodes with highway=stop|giveway|traffic_signals tagging on the ways. They can then use this information to better pick a route and/or give directions to a driver.

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answered 12 Apr '20, 17:46

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

I'd add that I find it acceptable to map 4-way stop signs at the intersection point itself (with direction=both) rather than putting four separate stop signs at each incoming way. Edit: I also see some areas that have the sign mapped on the side of the road in addition to the point on the way. This, however, violates the 'one feature, one element' principle.

(21 May '23, 00:49) ybungalobill

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question asked: 12 Apr '20, 09:59

question was seen: 1,728 times

last updated: 21 May '23, 00:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum