I would like to compile a map of Turkey using map tiles from OSM by downloading the tiles as .img files to a folder on my PC and then use MapSetToolKit to install the map into Mapsource. I have selected the OSM tile numbers needed to create the mapset by using the "Convert Coordinates to OSM Tile Numbers" link on the website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin#Creating_Your_Own_Maps_from_OSM_Data but am confused as to how to go about actually finding and downloading these tiles to my computer. Please help. |
Thank you for the replies. I used the garmin.openstreetmap.nl site to download a Mapsource compatible map of Turkey and it worked great. The only problem is that it is difficult to distinguish between the coast and land. Is there a way of modifying the appearance of the map so that the ocean color is different from the land color? |
You might also look at http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ With this site, you can download Mapsource-compatible files for a particular country or region that you can upload to your Garmin. You can't customize the data at all, but it's very easy! |
Careful with words. "OSM map tiles" are raster images used to create a slippy map like the one on our main site. Downloading these in quantities such as "all of Turkey" is not allowed - but it isn't what you want. You want vector data, and in the context of Garmin map such data sometimes comes in "tiles" as well. First of all you do not have to download ready-made tiled data; you can use the mkgmap utility as described on that page to create a file for Turkey, based on a Turkey data extract like the ones you get from the Geofabrik download server. If you want to go the tile route, and have found out which tile numbers you want, you should be able to find them on User Computerteddy's web site. |