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After much frustration with deliveries and parcels going to another village I was hoping to correct an address but this seems way above my ability. SG4 8NL (my postcode) shows in Ley Green when it is in fact in Kings Walden/Frogmore (as per our address).Royal Mail and Tomtom showed the right place for 8 years and suddenly they have somehow got it wrong too.

This is where it shows:

This is where it actually is:

The strange thing is if you type the full address in Google Map it shows the right place. 1 New Cottages, Frogmore, Kings Walden , SG4 8NL

Thank you kindly for your help! Lexi

asked 11 Apr '20, 19:57

Lexilu7's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We cannot help you with Tomtom and Royal mail. But you can create an account on OSM and add the building and address yourself. This will make sure that all services and apps that use OSM will guide you to the correct address.

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answered 11 Apr '20, 21:28

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Looks like the Royal Mail has made a mistake and confused two sets of 'New Cottages'. The product CodePoint Open, issued by the Ordnance Survey, but incorporating postcode location information from the Royal Mail, shows SG4 8NL right alongside SG4 8LH (the other set of New Cottages in Leygreen). I suspect only the Royal Mail can correct this.

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answered 13 Apr '20, 17:04

sdoerr's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%


Thank you I have contacted them so fingers crossed

(14 Apr '20, 14:57) Lexilu7

I have mapped the outlines of the buildings in the area and a square of land i can see on Bing aerial. Lexi, if you can put map notes with the correct addresses and Post codes on them I will add that data to OSM. The outlines may not show for a day or so. What is the open space i have mapped is it a new plot or a paddock or something else? You could add the data yourself, login, click edit in iD, select the building polygon, fill in the name ( if it has one ) number and street and postcode and save it. I notice the road or street is not named, that also needs adding. if that were correct at least an address search should work correctly ( with OSM ) but you'll have to contact the postcode people and later TomTom. My old Garmin Nuvi finds your location with your postcode, If I remember i may test my newer Ford sat nav when i'm allowed out! Happy Mapping.

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answered 13 Apr '20, 18:52

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 13 Apr '20, 23:36


Hi Andy

Thank you so much for taking the time to help! I have hopefully edited some of the info. The road is 'unmarked' because it is I guess too small a lane to have a name so it always comes up as unmarked street. The large rectangle on the right is/was a horse riding menage but it will soon return back to grass as part of the field it is in as the owners have evicted the horse lady to convert the stables. I couldn't split the building in 2 houses but really the first building to the left of the rectangle is 2 houses attached together, my house and my neighbours (the closest to the rectangle is 2 New cottages and the furthest is 1 New cottages). I think I made a mistake adding that little triangle on my drive when I was trying to add our address to the map. One more question: how to I delete SG4 8NL from where it shouldn't be? If I type SG4 8NL it still shows a red dot in Ley Green but I can't seem to edit it (I have attached a screenshot). Thank you again, I really appreciate your help. I have contacted Royal MAil, Tomtom and Ordnance Survey people :-)

(14 Apr '20, 14:52) Lexilu7

I have split the building and added numbers and postcode. I was going to sort the other one but you have done that already great! Happy Mapping Andy

(14 Apr '20, 15:17) andy mackey

PS my Ford Sat nav gets it correct.

(14 Apr '20, 15:18) andy mackey

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question asked: 11 Apr '20, 19:57

question was seen: 1,815 times

last updated: 14 Apr '20, 15:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum