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I've added a path and furniture using iD and uploaded the changes. After many hours the changes are not on the OSM. I've done this many times before with no problems. When I login to OSM and use iD I can see the changes with no saves or uploads pending. Can anyone help please?

asked 08 Apr '20, 11:16

Pedro%20W8's gravatar image

Pedro W8
accept rate: 0%


I cannot help, but I can confirm I'm getting the same thing. I did tons of edits last night, now it's about 18 hours later and no sign of them on the map, although they do exist in edit mode. I was wondering if it was a problem with me, but seeing you have the same issue I'm assuming it's nothing personal, just the servers being a bit slow / backed up?

(08 Apr '20, 12:20) stevekeiretsu

It's not just you - the same question is being asked elsewhere (see e.g. ).

In the short term I'd suggest using a different tile layer - either one of the other 3 at or somewhere else altogether.

(08 Apr '20, 13:15) SomeoneElse ♦

Glad you asked this. I was wondering the same thing. I'm new here, and was wondering why my changes were not showing. They still seem to be visible when I'm in the (basic HTML) editor. But not when I am not in the editor.

(10 Apr '20, 05:22) EricJRW

Thanks. Now I know it's not just me I'll suspend edits until my previous ones appear. Perhaps osm is suffering from coronavirus!!

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answered 09 Apr '20, 09:22

Pedro%20W8's gravatar image

Pedro W8
accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Apr '20, 09:24

The system appears to have started to work again. I entered edit mode, made a minor change and then on exit all my changes started to appear on the maps - not at all magnification levels immediately.

permanent link

answered 12 Apr '20, 07:07

Pedro%20W8's gravatar image

Pedro W8
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 08 Apr '20, 11:16

question was seen: 1,971 times

last updated: 12 Apr '20, 07:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum