HI OSM I asked the PlotARoute web site the following on March 31 2020: "In the USA, California, Highway 89.... I cannot get the system to map the highway. Highway 89 connects Highway 4 to Highway 395. Highway 89 is not a dirt or gravel road. I have been able to route it in the past. As as well if you are at the intersection of Highway 89 and Highway 4 you can plot Highway 4 going to Markleville, however you CANNOT plot Highway 4 from the 89 going up to the the top of Ebbetts pass" Plotaroute respond with "This road is recorded on OpenStreetMap (OSM) as being seasonal and only open in the summer" and pointed me your way for further assistance. My question and comment is/are: Why not? why would OSM prohibit a road from being plotted not matter what time of year it is? Why would someone be limited with making mapping plans in January for something they want to do in June? Here is my use case : I make a map on Plotaroute I load the route to my Garmin Cycling computer I use the route on the cycling computer to control my Wahoo Cycling Smart Trainer When the information from the Garmin is used with the Wahoo Trainer it simulates the road gradient, resistance and etc. Thus allowing a simulated mountain road cycling ride for training. By not allowing one to make a map (automatically) of HWY 89 or Hwy 4 how can one make a map of the road to simulate the climb to prepare for a cycling event in July? Yes, I can sit an manually click along the road, but that is not the point. My comment is of what difference is the road usage if seasonal or not if someone just wants to plot the road in January to see what it is? It seems very odd to limit this. I am interested to read your response as to why allowing plotting a road is seasonal..... |
I'm afraid I probably have to disappoint you if you are looking for answer to your question here. PlotARoute was right in pointing out that the highway is marked as seasonal in OpenStreetMap. And it would have been right to come here if you wanted to challenge the fact that the highway is seasonal or if you thought the road closure was at different times. But in no way does OSM prescribe how data consumers plot routes. If PlotARoute decided not to consider seasonally closed roads in their routing (at certain times of the year) it is by their own discretion. You need to ask them again why they decided to do so. Other routers use that road without problem as for example the OSRM router on OSM's main page. The Graphhopper router on the same page apparently made the same restrictions as PlotARoute. It makes sense not to use a route when it's closed. You could ask PlotARoute to add an option to specify when you'll use the route, as it will change the result in this case.
(04 Apr '20, 20:31)