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I would like to know how I can call with a parameter so that the field To: is filled with a value. Is this possible?

asked 03 Apr '20, 12:55

normannescio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sure, it's easy, just add ?to=[your destination] to the end of the URL.



  • The destination string is interpreted (by Nominatum I think) so what appears in the "To" box might not be an exact match. In this case "London" becomes "London, Greater London, England, SW1A 2DX, United Kingdom"
  • You can add more detail to the destination but you may have to URL-encode some characters, eg becomes "London, Ontario" which is interpreted as "London, Southwestern Ontario, Ontario, N6A 1G4, Canada."
  • You can also use coordinates as the destination -- but OSM will still attempt to guess an address, which sometimes succeeds and sometimes doesn't, eg
  • If the user has visited before, the map will not automatically center on the destination. It will show wherever the user last was looking at OSM. If you want to control the map center and zoom, you can do so with additional URL parameters like this: (here, 10 is the zoom level, 51.4818 is the latitude, and -0.1414 is the longitude.)
permanent link

answered 04 Apr '20, 17:34

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 05 Apr '20, 04:04

Thanks, works like a charm.

(06 Apr '20, 08:03) normannescio

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question asked: 03 Apr '20, 12:55

question was seen: 3,014 times

last updated: 06 Apr '20, 09:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum