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I discovered uMap recently and start to make maps for friends to play hiking games. To edit the maps I started in the uMap website ( It works fine but I found myself limited.

I installed JOSM to give me more possibilities to edit. I export .OSM files from JOSM and load them to the uMap website.

As my map becomes more and more complex, I wanna understand if there is a way to link JOSM directly with the uMap personnal map. From what I understand this is how it is working with

If not possible, is there another way to share personnal maps through JOSM. By personnal I mean "not of general interest" but not necessarily private.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

asked 03 Apr '20, 10:30

John%20Oak's gravatar image

John Oak
accept rate: 0%

Hi, josm is just an editor. In my experience, this operation is not feasible.

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answered 10 Apr '20, 16:57

robibrazze's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


JOSM is not an editor for uMap. In uMap you add your own private layer to the standard OSM render. If you make this edits in JOSM, they will be updated to the public. An thats not food at all.


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answered 17 Oct '20, 07:59

mdelatorre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


met, it is totally acceptable and feasible to use JOSM to edit features, save the result locally into an .osm file and load that file into uMap. I do that too.

I have for example a uMap where I want to highlight certain rivers in an area. So in JOSM I filter out all the rivers, remove all node tags (e.g. weirs) and combine the river segments into one long line per river. Then I add tags I want to show in uMap, save the .osm file and load that into a layer in uMap.

I don't have a solution for the OPs ask for a more connected way of working, though.

On a side note: I appreciate your contributions to this help site but I sometimes have the feeling you need to broaden your perspective a bit before answering.

(17 Oct '20, 08:44) TZorn

Tzorn I appreciate your knowledge and make my smarter. Thanks. :-)

(18 Oct '20, 06:28) mdelatorre

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question asked: 03 Apr '20, 10:30

question was seen: 1,916 times

last updated: 18 Oct '20, 06:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum