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I'm looking at "Relation: Lincolnshire (78312)" and trying to edit the Wikipedia and Wikidata tags, which are both incorrect. The OSM relation shows the administrative county, whereas those tags are for the ceremonial county (which on here is "Relation: Lincolnshire (1916530)"). Is there a way to edit this on OSM, or are these generated externally? If you know how to do this, I'd really appreciate your help.

The reason I'm here is because on Wikivoyage, where I edit under almost the same username, the boundaries on our maps for Lincolnshire ( and a number of other articles are wrong, and I believe it traces back to this error on OSM.

Any help you can offer really would be super duper. I'm brand new to OSM, so if you're kind enough to answer, please assume you're talking to an idiot.

Thanks and best wishes,


asked 01 Apr '20, 17:49

ThunderingTyphoons's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi ThunderingTyphoons and welcome to OSM.

It's quite easy to do this by yourself, just a bit tricky for such a big relation. Best way is to select the relation on like this: Zoom in as far as possible such that part of the red line is still visible. Then hit the edit button on the top left to open the in-browser editor iD. You need to be logged in. On the left hand side you can now see all attributes associated with this relation. You see a group of fields titled Wikidata. If you click on the arrow next to "Lincolnshire" you can select the correct wikidata ID.

For reading on how to edit things in OSM yourself you can follow the tutorial in the editor or browse through

I'm only afraid there is no Wikipedia article on the administrative county. So I guess we have to live with the one that's in there unless you got a better idea or write the article.

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answered 01 Apr '20, 20:51

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Hi, TZorn. Thanks for the welcome and for the clear, concise answer! I think I managed to follow your instructions and change the WD ID to the correct one without wrecking anything on OSM (though I did mark the edit for review, so anything is amiss hopefully someone will fix it).

The only 'better idea' for the Wikipedia field I have is making sure that the correct OSM relation (1916530) is connected to the article, which I will do myself in a minute when I insert the Wikidata ID. The best solution for you guys would probably be separate WP articles for the administrative, ceremonial and historic counties of Lincolnshire, but Wikipedians would probably take exception to this, citing 'notability' concerns.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to help. If you're ever stuck with something on a Wikimedia project, just drop a message on my talk page and I'll do my best to return the favour :D

(02 Apr '20, 20:31) ThunderingTy...

Glad I could help. The change looks good.

(03 Apr '20, 07:32) TZorn

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question asked: 01 Apr '20, 17:49

question was seen: 1,697 times

last updated: 03 Apr '20, 07:32

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