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While I load the bing street imagery, I see after ~10 seconds, the page goes unresponsive This has happening since long but unsure if we've any work around the point I viewed here is 29.3970863, -98.5139808

asked 01 Apr '20, 09:50

sachinv's gravatar image

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Isn't this an issue you should take up with bing/MS?

(01 Apr '20, 11:59) SimonPoole ♦

Does it work for you to work with Streetside inside iD or JOSM?

(01 Apr '20, 13:29) TZorn

Hi, Thanks for your responses.

On iD it appears to be loading after a long time - the moment I check the box "Bing Street Side" it appears to be taking a min of 3-5 mins to load. My internet speed seems decent and I've tried multiple browsers this seems to be same. Before I raise the Bing issue to MS - wanted to check if there's anyone else who faces the same issue.

(01 Apr '20, 15:47) sachinv

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question asked: 01 Apr '20, 09:50

question was seen: 936 times

last updated: 01 Apr '20, 15:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum