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Dear OSM Team,

I'm a java developer in a project which would help the disabled use public transportation with mobile device in Sydney, Australia. I thank you for the OSM data which is used for the project. The OTP(Open Trip Planner) is used to make a trip plan which shows the routing path including walking and transportation. The transportation routing could be drawn with transit information based on GTFS(General Transit Feed) format. However, the walking path is based on OSM data. The OTP engine provides the routing path with shortest algorithm and the OSM data. In Sydney metropolitan, the data is correct. Nevertheless, outer area of the metropolitan, such as Gosford, has some incorrect information as I check the data through JOSM tools. In the area, the walking path is drawn across a reserve without a road. We don't have enough resources. But we want to provide a correct routing information to the disabled. Do you have any idea to fix it easily ? In addition, can I ask how precise the OSM data is?

Thank you in advance.


asked 28 Aug '11, 14:03

Moohyoung's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

have a look at the recent question You have good quality bing in Gosford ,if I've looked at the right one, so it would be an easy first edit. please have a go.

permanent link

answered 28 Aug '11, 14:17

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

The existing traces in the park I looked at seem to to align well with image so accuracy is within 4 metres I estimate. if you centre map over the area.zoom in and copy the link address from the permalink tab and paste in a comment some one may be able to do something to help.

(28 Aug '11, 14:23) andy mackey

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question asked: 28 Aug '11, 14:03

question was seen: 4,119 times

last updated: 28 Aug '11, 14:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum