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I made a mistake deleted paths that were correctly node assigned as crossing, except for the first one which doesn't have a node assigned as a crossing, I should have just edited the node instead of deleting the path

asked 30 Mar '20, 17:34

slice0's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi, are you asking for someone to revert the 3 changesets? I will if you wish?

(31 Mar '20, 11:38) BCNorwich

Hello yes please! You will see the first one has a error so I deleted it, wrong thinking made me delete the other two but I think the problem with the first one was just a node needed to be labeled as a crossing

(31 Mar '20, 12:31) slice0

When driving down main north road it switches to driving on trail at the intersection on the gps, that is the overall problem I was trying to solve

(31 Mar '20, 12:34) slice0

Hi, Changeset: 82833623, 82833436 and 82821781 are reverted, that was with my Changeset: 82875559. Please see that's OK just ask if you need further help. Regards Bernard.

(31 Mar '20, 15:16) BCNorwich

Thankyou! Can you revert all my edits from that date I would kind of like to fix the issue from scratch if that ok

(01 Apr '20, 01:17) slice0

OK, Changeset: 82821561 now reverted as well. That was with my changeset number 82907070

Everything is reverted from after you added the police station.

Regards Bernard.

(01 Apr '20, 08:32) BCNorwich
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The documentation for reverting changesets is called Change Rollback on the wiki.

Basically, nowadays, you should use the undelete or reverter plugins in JOSM, or the RevertUI web frontend of the revert scripts.

Please the doc carefully, especially as someone might have changed some things in the area in the meantime. One good practice is load the area in JOSM afterward and run the validator, to check that no errors were created.


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answered 30 Mar '20, 21:05

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 30 Mar '20, 17:34

question was seen: 1,431 times

last updated: 01 Apr '20, 08:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum