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HI all, I'm quite new on this matter and I'd need the following info: I would like to use Graphhopper Routing API to define pedestrian routes between two points in an urban environment on the Italian territory. I have seen that there is the possibility to choose which type of vehicle to use (car, bike) or to walk. If you choose to walk, does the program create the path on the sidewalks? Is it possible to know approximately the coverage of the indications for pedestrians on Italian territory? Then I would have to download these routes to enter them into the database of a device. Can someone tell me how to do it or where I can find the instructions? What are these paths made up of, only a succession of nodes, or for each straight segment that makes up the path from just 2 nodes? Are there any examples?

asked 30 Mar '20, 16:36

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question asked: 30 Mar '20, 16:36

question was seen: 773 times

last updated: 30 Mar '20, 16:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum