Dear Address. I made a bike tour map for private use. ( ) I saved the map to the web yesterday. Today, all data is gone. (I worked with him for at least 10 hours) What could have happened? How do I restore it? Thank you. |
Hi Komlosn, there are two layers and there is one data point in the first layer. So you were successfully editing the map at the start. I can think of two possibilities. Either something went wrong when you tried to save the data (did you only save once or several times?). Then your edits are probably lost. Or you were accidentally editing a different map. Since you were not logged in and did not save the map under a user name you can very easily just create a new map. Can you check in your browser history if you have a link to a different map saved? by the way: Please edit your original question or add a comment to the question when you add new information. Do not create an answer for that. Answers are reserved for resolutions to your question. I checked - it's completely empty. I prefer to work on google maps. How can I close it because I don't know? :(
(26 Mar '20, 20:42)
This is not a uMap help site but I try to help. Please answer some questions:
Can you access the map under its name? Or can you not find the map you edited any longer?
Were you logged in to uMap when you created that map? Does it still show up in the list of your maps?
Hi. I don't know which forum they could help.
I didn't sign in to the map.
I made a private map in:
I saved it yesterday. Today I found only a blank map. What's the problem? Somehow can my history be restored?