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Good morning fellows,

I have around 50.000 lists of GPS coordinates, and for each list I'd like to use the osrm routing engine to get the exact path taken, and pass it to a python script.

I I'm currently making 50.000 successive calls to the routing API (on my own server), which is quite slow because of the overhead involved for each API call

What is the fastest way to use the osrm routing engine in this case, for instance is there a possibility to pass a list of path to the API instead of just one path a time?

Thank you!

asked 26 Mar '20, 09:59

Hyppocrate's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Mar '20, 10:13

I hope you're making these calls to your own server and not to one of the donation-funded public machines! There isn't an API for running several track matchings at once, however you can use the node-osrm integration to call the OSRM backend directly from Javascript code executed by nodejs, potentially bypassing some of the network latency and encoding/decoding of messages.

permanent link

answered 26 Mar '20, 10:05

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you for your answer, the routes are computed in local. I thin I have found this node-osrm integration here, do you know if it's usable from python or command line?

(26 Mar '20, 10:19) Hyppocrate

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question asked: 26 Mar '20, 09:59

question was seen: 3,209 times

last updated: 26 Mar '20, 10:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum