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An act of vandalism created "Creedon Republic", a large country object, shown here way/617866825. I put the name of the object here to have my question respond to keyword search.

It was removed on 2018-08-19 with this changeset changeset/61786055.

This object is still present in, but not in other overpass servers.

This command gets the object for me:

wget -O - "[out:json];is_in(38.49464,-75.28586);out body;" | more

It looks like this in the results:

... {
      "type": "area",
      "id": 3017866825,
      "tags": {
        "admin_level": "1",
        "boundary": "administrative",
        "name": "Creedon Republic",
        "place": "country"

This one does not:

wget -O - "[out:json];is_in(38.49464,-75.28586);out body;" | more

Is there some misunderstanding on my part as to what the instances are supposed to contain? Or is this a problem with lz4?

Thanks in advance.

asked 23 Mar '20, 18:26

swimdb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Mar '20, 23:28

That's weird. If I understand the documentation, there should be no differences between those two servers.

One remark is that its type is area, which is a special Overpass type, pre-computed. Maybe something went wrong there.

You should probably raise this issue on the Overpass repository to touch the servers' maintainers.

This closed issue seems related, especially the last comment.


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answered 24 Mar '20, 02:08

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

After asking over at the overpass help, and there getting more or less the same answer linked to above, I will close this issue.

I am closing it because we respect the decisions of the owners of these systems to "not fix". We do not consider this solved. The lz4 instance is not fit for purpose under these conditions, even with the pivot hack suggested.

Thanks to those who responded.

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answered 26 Mar '20, 21:22

swimdb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well, sorry to hear it.

There are other public instances which might have a cleaning policy, and thus suit your needs.


(26 Mar '20, 21:36) H_mlet

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question asked: 23 Mar '20, 18:26

question was seen: 1,666 times

last updated: 26 Mar '20, 21:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum