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Typically amenity=letterbox. On a node in the correct place.

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answered 23 Mar '20, 09:10

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I have already used amenity=letterbox , but this thing differs from one single box, wooden wall and a small roof over it.

(23 Mar '20, 11:23) mtbboy1993

The wiki says:

Mailboxes for several addresses are regularly combined in one place (for example per street in rural areas, or at the front door of an apartment) — then use just one single node instead of 20 separate ones

So it should be ok for a block of boxes. If you can add the address range then this should help users differentiate between single and multi box objects. It would be reasonable to add construction material as material=*.

If the roof is also big enough to protect the user then the shelter tags used on bus stops might be appropriate.

(23 Mar '20, 12:31) InsertUser

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question asked: 23 Mar '20, 05:45

question was seen: 792 times

last updated: 23 Mar '20, 12:31

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