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Hi, I am creating a WordPress site that let users:

  1. Create ads: each user has a spanish postal code on profile page that gives location to all his ads
  2. Search ads: users can enter a postal code to filter results by distance from that input postal code to ad’s postal code. Showing near ones first

I have a database with latitude/longitude for each postal code, and my project do not have big economy, so I am afraid of having good results and die because route costs.

I am the founder and designer, without backend programmer yet, so I don’t understand good the documentation, sorry about that,

I need to know what free options I can choose to provide that service, forgeting about number of distance requests

Thanks for your time,


asked 21 Mar '20, 18:02

raulserrano's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is no service that will give unlimited free CPU power to your commercial enterprise. However, OpenStreetMap data is openly licensed and good Open Source routing software is available too; you could for example install Graphhopper, OSRM, or Valhalla on your own server machine, and then make as many requests as you want without paying anyone (except of course your hosting provider for your own server). Graphhopper probably offers the easiest start, just follow (and download data for Spain instead of Berlin).

permanent link

answered 21 Mar '20, 18:18

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Mar '20, 18:18

That sounds as a really good option! — Thanks Frederik!

ps: This forum is OSQA? their website looks like dead...

(21 Mar '20, 18:34) raulserrano

@raulserrano: Yes, this forum is OSQA, and we would like to switch to something that's actively maintained, but haven't found a replacement yet which has the necessary featuers (i.e. voting-based Q&A platform, rather than regular discussions). See:

(23 Mar '20, 14:03) Tordanik

@tordanik I was thinking about and it looks like is already contemplated

(23 Mar '20, 14:48) raulserrano

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question asked: 21 Mar '20, 18:02

question was seen: 1,087 times

last updated: 23 Mar '20, 14:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum