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The leisure=track is OK, though normally that would apply only to the actual course, but I suposse that is not really so clear in this case. Non-name values in OSM tags are lower case by convention, so that should be sport=biketrial if anything (you can search with if there is something better).

The wikidata and wikipedia entries should be removed as they don't refer to the concrete facility but to general categories and descriptions, something that we don't tag.

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answered 21 Mar '20, 15:16

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SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

thx, I will correct this.

(21 Mar '20, 15:38) mtbboy1993

I figured out how to suggest new tags, so I did it. I am not sure which tag would be best so I proposed several.

(21 Mar '20, 16:23) mtbboy1993

In general if you are just adding "not yet commonly used" values to an existing tagging scheme it doesn't make a lot of sense to invoke the whole proposal process, it is naturally nice if you document the new values. But on the other hand if you want to make the effort there is no reason not to do it (if you have a strong stomach). You should open a discussion on the tagging mailing list too though.

(21 Mar '20, 16:38) SimonPoole ♦

another used changed my suggest to cycling=bicycle__trial which is a better tag probably. but it will probably take some time before it will be implemented.

(22 Mar '20, 13:36) mtbboy1993

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question asked: 21 Mar '20, 07:23

question was seen: 932 times

last updated: 22 Mar '20, 13:36

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