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Hi there,

I appreciate this OSQA instance since a long time. Both, as author for questions and answers, this works just fine. But the OSQA / askbot development stopped for more then 10 years, while other (selfhosting) social platforms rise and seem to offer more interesting features:

  • tag based topic categories
  • eMail / ML like interface
  • mobile friendly UI
  • content translation
  • integration of 3rd party services
  • migrations for OSQA / forums / mailinglists / ...

All in all this looks good and IMHO this might lower the barrier to get help for new OSM users and contributors, while it might allow us to unite the discussions between OSM help / OSM forums / OSM mailinglists.

What does you think? Would it be worth to switch?

asked 17 Mar '20, 16:57

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

closed 17 Mar '20, 17:05

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

I suspect that what is needed more that anything is someone to volunteer to set everything up and maintain it.

If you're willing to do that - great!

(17 Mar '20, 17:09) SomeoneElse ♦

Well actually we've had more than enough discourse spam.

(17 Mar '20, 23:52) SimonPoole ♦

Why do you consider my posting as spam?

(18 Mar '20, 09:33) iii

The question has been closed for the following reason " is not for discussions. Please see" by Richard 17 Mar '20, 17:05

Knowing nothing of discourse but following this forum, the OpenStreetMap Forum, r/openstreetmap and various mailing lists my first impression is that this is like creating a new standard to replace a bunch of existing standards.

permanent link

answered 17 Mar '20, 17:08

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


Unlike the situation in the classic xkcd strip, there's a single entity (the OSMF) that could theoretically pick a winner and shut down or migrate a bunch of existing platforms. So it's not entirely out of the question and more a matter of if the community wants that.

@iii: If you still want to discuss the topic, maybe use the OSM Forum instead. It's more suited for opinion-based discussion and the thread will not get closed over there.

(17 Mar '20, 21:13) Tordanik

Actually, Richard's link of is probably the better option. "Most" options have probably been mentioned over the years, both there (see especially the comments on Discourse) and on other mailing lists and forums.

If @iii wants to volunteer to create some sort of proof of concept then please just do it! If there's a general acceptance that the solution works and using that instead of OSQA is a Good Idea the it'll get adopted - many parts of OSM started out external and got brought in (the switch2osm site being just one example).

(17 Mar '20, 22:34) SomeoneElse ♦

I created a forum topic to discuss a possible merge:

(19 Mar '20, 18:21) iii

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question asked: 17 Mar '20, 16:57

question was seen: 4,796 times

last updated: 19 Mar '20, 18:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum