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Is there established tagging for informal roads or shortcuts that are largely unplanned and unmaintained?

Examples may be found in incomplete developments where empty lots are routinely cut through for quicker access to a more major road (until those lots are themselves built on) or similar instances where a (relatively) brief departure from the formal route saves considerable distance. These would usually be unmaintained or occasionally actively opposed by the developer or local government, but continue to exist anyway. In more rural cases they might simply be reused routes that avoid many of the risks of breaking new ground.

Previously I would typically tag these as highway=track but over time the wiki has increasingly emphasized that tag as being for forestry and agricultural use only and de-emphasized any use for ways that are 'largely unplanned, but quite convenient'. If this reflects a general mapping trend, what tags should be used for the latter/broader category?

For foot traffic informal=yes is suggested, but this appears to be largely unused on ways for two tracked vehicles and still leaves open the question of primary highway tag as by their nature they rarely fit into a typical road hierarchy.

asked 16 Mar '20, 23:36

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accept rate: 19%

About "by their nature they rarely fit into a typical road hierarchy", I don't see why the 1st example can't be a =service or =residential, or even =unclassified.

(17 Mar '20, 05:36) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 16 Mar '20, 23:36

question was seen: 1,706 times

last updated: 17 Mar '20, 05:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum