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Hi everyone,

I am trying to generate Isochrones from the Open Trip Planner package in R, I have followed all steps from Marcus Yung OTP tutorial, but the answer when I request to the OTP API is:

"org.opentripplanner.routing.error.VertexNotFoundException: vertices not found: [from] vertices not found: [from]"

  • I verified that coords were long/lat (as suggest the Young tutorial) and lat/long (as suggest the OTP doc)

I suppouse that above error it's caused because my route .pbf is wrong. In other tutorial of Marcus Young about this same theme the .pbf route that he uses can be opened and displayed on QGIS and JOSM, instead my .pbf file can be opened but not displayed on QGIS but yes can JOSM. When I opened my .pbf file on QGIS, how it isn't displayed, the geographical coords have very low values i.e: (-0.31, -1,123).

To get my .pbf file I transformed a shapefile to a xml file with ogr2osm, then I converted this xml file to .pbf with osmconverter. I tried too converting xml file to osm.pbf with JOSM, but the results were as I explicited above.

I need this specific routes because I am trying to get Isochrones with OTP and this API use Shortest Path Tree, so if I add a new route that has shortest paths the results could be wrong.

So, my question is:

-How can I get a .pbf file that I can to display in QGIS and that could works fine in OTP?


-Why my osm file (.xml .pbf, .osm, .osm.pbf) can't be displayed in JOSM but not in QGIS?

Thanks in advance!

asked 11 Mar '20, 14:56

Bryan's gravatar image

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edited 11 Mar '20, 15:22


Without samples this is going to be rather difficult, with probably trivial.

(11 Mar '20, 17:12) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 11 Mar '20, 14:56

question was seen: 3,588 times

last updated: 11 Mar '20, 17:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum