When i go to that link https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/413451482448130/bunker-specialtycoffee/ and click on the stories above content, i got to another account geolocation like this one (on the screen)http://prntscr.com/reog7f But my cafe name is "Bunker SpecialtyCoffee" http://prntscr.com/reoh4d Is that a problem with OpenStreetMap? Because every time it's changing to other account with different geolocations. |
Your café seems to be correctly present in OpenStreetMap here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4526820136. So it looks correct in OSM. You might wish to extend the entry if the official name is really To me it sounds like a problem with Instagram. I have no idea how creating or claiming locations with Instagram/Facebook work. Maybe someone else claimed the name for themselves? |