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Hello, I would like to know, what is the best way to download all countries from around the world. Each country should have related regions and regions should have cities (cities with latitude and longitude). It seems to be impossible to do it using overpass turbo (too much data). Thanks for your answers.

asked 06 Mar '20, 09:43

avenh2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you just want country boundaries and cities, or do you want more map data? Not all countries structure their internal divisions the same way.

(07 Mar '20, 13:29) InsertUser

I need country, region, city names. Cities should have gps coordinates.

(09 Mar '20, 05:56) avenh2

For countries and regions, the best source I know of is It’s a third party service (run by a volunteer) which offers preprocessed administrative boundaries per country and their subdivisions.

For cities one source is the Geofabrik Download service. For each country/region it offers a zip file with preprocessed layers in ESRI Shape format – look for the downloads. Inside you will find files gis_osm_places_free_1.* which contain points with “places”. These can be everything from cities, suburbs, towns, down to villages, hamlets and farms. So depending on your definition of “city” you may want to filter them.

If you combine these two sources, cities will not be directly connected to countries, but you should be able to link them by performing a point-in-polygon test.

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answered 11 Mar '20, 21:51

hfs's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 06 Mar '20, 09:43

question was seen: 7,034 times

last updated: 11 Mar '20, 21:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum