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I tried to add an address on Facebook Page, but I can't type it in. The pin is in correct place. Street and postal code is alright, just can't add the "City" part of the address. I tried it at my new fan page, but on the old one and at the competitions pages it is working. When i tried to edit my old page to copy the address I lost it and can't get it back... Autocomplete doesn't work at all and if I just type it in saving it doesnt work and there is just empty cell.

The place "Jastrzębia Góra" is in north Poland. I contacted Facebook support and they turned me to OSM and said that the error is here. I searched the map and there is a record of Jastrzębia Góra - place exists here in OSM and everything looks alright. Can someone help me here? What should I do now? Maybe there is a problem with some update?

Cheers, Michał M.

asked 04 Mar '20, 14:44

Arystokles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This sounds wrong. Can you forward the exact response you got from Facebook support?

(04 Mar '20, 15:25) Frederik Ramm ♦

I am doubtful that the list of allowed places is populated entirely from OpenStreetMap. I did some experiments on an old Facebook page of mine, using places near me in Spain. I noticed a place listed as "Macharavialla". That spelling doesn't appear on OpenStreetMap, where the much more common form "Macharaviaya" is used (correctly, as that is how it is always signposted locally).

This may not be relevant to your issue, but it illustrates that the map tiles that appear in the background and the database that populates the allowable list are not necessarily from the same underlying source.

(04 Mar '20, 18:27) alan_gr

I was on the chat with Fb support and the consultant said that maps are from OSM and they recommend contact with OSM. They don't think that the problem is on their side and really that's it. But I know that the consultants often have really shallow knowledge of their system, she supposly consulted with technicians or some technic specialists. She said that maybe OSM should do some update of the maps.

It sounds like it is all from OSM and they don't have an influence over the maps in their system. I tried diffrent spellings, many, many versions. I know that it worked before, I had good location on one fan page (before trying to edit it) and I still see it on my competitiors pages.

(05 Mar '20, 07:23) Arystokles

It seems that some FB staff try to direct any sort of geographical question to OSM even if it is not directly related to the map tiles.

I suggest that if you contact FB again, make clear that the map is correct (Jastrzębia Góra shows correctly both on and as displayed within Facebook, and the node has not changed for more than 2 years so it is nothing to do with an update). Ask why some places on the map are not accepted as valid "city" entries. Only Facebook can say how they determine what is allowed as a "city", it is not something OSM can help with.

(05 Mar '20, 08:54) alan_gr

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question asked: 04 Mar '20, 14:44

question was seen: 2,435 times

last updated: 05 Mar '20, 08:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum