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In the Azerbaijan map, there is an occupied territory which belongs to Armenia instead of Azerbaijan.

You can see the difference by checking Azerbaijan map in Googlemaps and OSM, as below:


When can this error be fixed ?

Thanks Doguhan

asked 04 Mar '20, 10:48

Doguhan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi - Andy from OSM's Data Working Group here.

A couple of days ago someone changed the boundaries of Azerbaijan in the way that you describe. It wasn't reported to us directly, but I did notice a forum thread about it and undid the changes that caused the problem.

I set Azerbaijan to this, and the Artsakh Republic to this. Note that the latter is "admin_level=3" rather than "admin_level=2" because it's not currently a recognised country in OSM.

The maps that you see at take some time to update at different zoom levels. For me, it has already updated at zoom 17 but not at lower zooms such as zoom 6. It will sort itself out, but will take time, due to the much publicised elsewhere speed problems that people are experiencing.

As an aside, it's worth mentioning that what you see in maps such as Google (and some applications based on OSM data) and what you see at are fundamentally different views of the world. OpenStreetMap's "standard" map layer tries to be objective - it shows one view of the world to everyone, whereas Google will show you whatever "alternative facts" people in your country are told they must believe (countries sometimes have rules that say describe how they should be represented, and sometimes this is directly at odds with neighbouring countries). Even some otherwise sensible places have laws about this sort of thing.

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answered 04 Mar '20, 12:40

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 04 Mar '20, 12:42

Hi Andy,

Is there an estimate of time of when the maps will be updated so that the borders will look correctly and same in all zoom levels? When can we see the correct borders in lower zoom levels such as 5,6, 7..

Thank you very much for the detailed answer by the way.

Regards Doguhan

(04 Mar '20, 13:03) Doguhan

I can't give an answer to that, although I do know that changes are being made to enforce the tile usage policy better to reduce the load from e.g. commercial apps that just can't be bothered to get a licence from a commercial tile provider.

(04 Mar '20, 13:11) SomeoneElse ♦

Zoom 0-12 are only updated once a month, on the last Sunday of the month. Last update was 23 February.

I just updated the relevant metatiles for zoom 6-12 on all servers except scorch (still too busy), using "/dirty" tile requests. Zooms 4 and 5 are taking longer, so I only triggered updates on the stronger servers.

(04 Mar '20, 22:19) ikonor

Hi Andy, ikonor

At the latest status, the map looks more uptodate while compared to the old version, thanks for that

But here are some fixes needed I think, which will make it complete:

1- The borderline which is painted yellow should be removed and put the names of Azerbaycan cities and regions in that area, for example Nagorni-Karabakh must be there.

alt text Thanks Doguhan

(10 Mar '20, 08:09) Doguhan

Hi Andy, ikonor

At the latest status, the map looks more uptodate while compared to the old version, thanks for that

But here are some fixes needed I think, which will make it complete:

1- The borderline which is painted yellow should be removed and put the names of Azerbaycan cities and regions in that area, for example Nagorni-Karabakh must be there.

alt text Thanks Doguhan

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answered 10 Mar '20, 08:08

Doguhan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That image looks like zoom 7 from the "OpenStreetMap Carto" tiles, and you've coloured in area around the eastern edge of the area controlled as "Artsakh Republic" in yellow. Zoom in 1 level and those tiles will show the military area that is mapped there (though some tiles at that zoom are still not updated after the border change).

"What data OSM has" and "how a particular map chooses to display it" are two different things. If you believe that an admin_level=3 border looks too much like an admin_level=2 border at certain OSM Carto zoom levels then please raise that issue with the OSM Carto developers. It's not the first time that that has been mentioned, but please be aware that it is difficult to show every possible nuance on a single map that people will interpret for different things.

(10 Mar '20, 10:55) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi I opened an issue subject regarding this but no one has responded since 3 days. Am I on the right track, or should I do something extra on Github? will appreciate any inputs :

Thanks Doguhan

(13 Mar '20, 07:49) Doguhan

You should have created an issue under What you did was creating a new project and adding an issue to that project.

(13 Mar '20, 11:51) escada

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question asked: 04 Mar '20, 10:48

question was seen: 1,529 times

last updated: 13 Mar '20, 11:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum