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What I have used in the past was tower:type=communication but that seems to be deprecated?

asked 04 Mar '20, 03:30

Happy%20Hobo's gravatar image

Happy Hobo
accept rate: 0%

That still seems to be the approach within what passes for documentation around here.

There seems to have been a gradual shift to man_made=mast instead of tower of the smaller ones though.The tower:type=* key is still used even though 'tower' isn't used on the main tag.

Where are you seeing that it's depreciated?

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answered 04 Mar '20, 07:25

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I was too far from my previous entries to see that I had also done man_made=mast. And when I typed the ‘c’, I didn’t get a drop-down suggestion of “communication” like had happened in the past. And the map showed a generic box with the tag=value as a label. All of that made me think I wasn’t using the best tagging.

(04 Mar '20, 13:10) Happy Hobo

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question asked: 04 Mar '20, 03:30

question was seen: 1,583 times

last updated: 04 Mar '20, 13:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum