Am a beginner and would like to add house address numbers. What is the quicker editor and way to do that operation ? |
The easiest way is using JOSM, possibly with some plugin. Unless you map the Czech Republic you
have to enter the address manually (address interpolation can make this easier for places with consecutive numbering. In JOSM select the building, click Presets from the main menu->Annotations->Addresses, fill in the info, click Apply. 1
Thanks LM_1, Have used JOSM as suggested and did not need any plugin. Could load the map as directed. After the selection of the building, I could simply use the assistant and add the attribute addr:housenumber with the value to it. Great !
(26 Aug '11, 15:09)
The simplest way is to have one node per property (house). Tag the node with addr:housenumber. A good search engine, such as Nominatim, will then associate it with the nearest street. So the streetname is usually optional. There are a number of mobile apps for collecting addresses on a large scale. For example And if you combine it with addr:interpolation, you can add a thousand address or more in a single day. 2
Relying on proximity to associate addresses with streets is very fragile (can break if someone else moves a street just a tiny bit) and not well defined (e.g. for building polygons). Imo, addr:housenumber + addr:street is the minimum useful set of address tags.
(30 Aug '11, 11:47)
Using Potlatch 2, the editor on the main site:
sorry, can't find an "address" tab? When I click on a building, it says "no tags set", and gives me the options of roads, barriers, places, etc.
(03 Feb '15, 05:17)
@neppern: are you talking of a newly drawn building? Then you first need to "tag" it as building. Select "building" in that option view ("roads, barriers, places").
(03 Feb '15, 07:59)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@neppern Below "roads" in the list that you see is "buildings". Select that, and then the "address" tab will appear.
(03 Feb '15, 09:16)
SomeoneElse ♦
The "R" short cut could help you in copying the address into each tag of each house but you will have to edit the number of course. there is more info |
If the pattern is regular you can draw a single way for each side of a street, using address interpolation: |