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As mentionned here ( one can use

[out:csv("name";false)]; area[name="Passau"]; way(area)[highway][name]; out;

to get all streets for a given city.

However, A lot of streets are missing (for example in Passau, Germany). However, on on the official map the street can be found.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for your help.

asked 03 Mar '20, 14:03

vielhuber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Mar '20, 15:57

I had the wrong API endpoint URL.

Had to use: instead of

permanent link

answered 03 Mar '20, 16:30

vielhuber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That's weird, I got 9117 (non-uniq) results in either cases. Actually on the wiki I find that one URL is a redirection to the other (with a round-robin to another one).

Maybe a temporary problem on the server ?

Do you have missing streets examples ?


(03 Mar '20, 20:55) H_mlet

Just try out:

[out:csv("name";false)]; area[name="Passau"]; way(area)[highway][name]; out;

On I don't find "Baumannstraße", on (via a direct request) I receive "Baumannstraße".

(03 Mar '20, 21:05) vielhuber

That's really weird, as said before there's a 50-50 chance that it's the same server ! When I use lz4 through turbo, I get the same result, without Baumannstraße. But when I look specifically for it, it comes :

[out:csv("name";false)]; area[name="Passau"]; way(area)[highway][name="Baumannstraße"]; out;

And when I display the results of your query, the Baumannstraße is highlighted. But my browser can't find it in the data. :-(

(03 Mar '20, 22:40) H_mlet

But when I download the data (either as OSM from the linked query, or as CSV from your query : ) I can find it in the downloaded file !

Well and it works again when I copy from the data tab to a file, so I guess the problem is with my browser search engine...

My browser is Firefox 68.5.0esr. Can you confirm it's only a browser problem ?

(03 Mar '20, 22:50) H_mlet

Yes I can confirm that. When I do a GET request via console or Postman, I get both for and for "Baumannstraße". But not in the webinterface

(03 Mar '20, 23:18) vielhuber

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question asked: 03 Mar '20, 14:03

question was seen: 3,337 times

last updated: 03 Mar '20, 23:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum