I'm trying to use a web tile service I have hosted in ArcGIS Online as a custom background in OSM editor. the url to query my tiles is: however when i use the tokens: I get nothing. Projection is WGS84 and tiling scheme is the standard google etc. I have lot's of GIS and esri experience but am relatively new to OSM. Any help would be greatly appreciated |
"...2606.png" looks east of "...2605.png" to me. Have you got x and y transposed? The 'default' render seems with url schema:
Hi, if have the same issue as described here (X/Y swap between OSM and arcGIS), any idea how to solve/transpose this? |
https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/CnkB6jCzAsyli34z/arcgis/rest/services/AberdeenOrtho/ /WMTS/tile/1.0.0/AberdeenOrtho/default/default028mm/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png? just flip the last two values so it would be /{zoom}/{y}/{x} |
Hi, if have the same issue as described here (X/Y swap between OSM and arcGIS), any idea how to solve/transpose this?