nominatim city names gives me an xml with the city name of the location. In Bulgary the name is in correct Cyrillic characters but, unfortunately, de greek cities come in latin characters. Why? latin characters nominatim |
No, I query from a c# program. I discoverd that the lager cities always come in latin (exonym), but small villages in local name and characters (endonym). But &accept-language=el works for all! Thanks a lot! For smaller cities and villages you normally don't have names in other languages in the data that's why the original is returned. As your C# program probably did not a include an accept language header, you'll have to add that either as a header or as a query param to get the desired language for larger places and cities where serveral options are present in the data.
(01 Mar '20, 22:11)
Do you query from the browser? If so, nominatim takes your browsers accept-language header and tries to serve that. So you have to change your browsers header to "el" or use the accept-language query param, e.g.: |