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I have updated a motorway road section where it is possible to be used by bikes (police recommendation), but although that the route calculation is not working as expected.

do I have done something wrong or is there any reason for that??

Thanks in advance.


asked 24 Feb '20, 11:13

Xabier's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


How long have you waited since you changed the data? Routing engines don't update instantaneously.

(24 Feb '20, 16:39) Richard ♦

I don't think all the ways have cycle tags.

(24 Feb '20, 22:21) andy mackey


Motorways are simply not considered for the biking profile. As a cyclist myself, I cringe at the thought of going on a motorway :) but I guess it is to be expected that somewhere, for some situation, bikes are accepted on a "motorway" (motorway being a bit country specific in OSM).

I opened a ticket here you can follow the progress there or even help to improve the profile.

thanks for the report and best regards

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answered 24 Feb '20, 20:06

datendelphin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Motorways are simply not considered for the biking profile. As a cyclist myself, I cringe at the thought of going on a motorway

highway=motorway_link is a deep issue since _link refers to the road it leads to from the last junction, but it does not consider where the legal or de facto "motorway" area begins, so you get situations like this.

(25 Feb '20, 09:22) Kovoschiz

Thank you very much.

It is true that morways are not usable by bikes. This concrete motorway section has three lanes, two for the motorway and one for the link between two regional roads. Instead of giving an "extra work" and open a ticket, how about if:

1.- I can add an extra regional road paralell to the motorway.

2.- Technically the motorway finishes just before this section, I can convert all the following roads to another type.

3.- Not no change anything and open a ticket.

Let me know what you think.

Once again, thank you very much.

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answered 25 Feb '20, 07:51

Xabier's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please don't enter wrong data just to fix one particular router! There are other routers that support bicycle routing on motorways if the right access tag is present, so you'll be breaking those even if you're "fixing" the bike router used on

(25 Feb '20, 08:07) Richard ♦

This wiki page about routers has a category "Routes bicycles over motorways with bicycle=yes". I don't know for sure if it is fully up to date, but it might give you some ideas if you want to check out other routers.

For example maybe you already noticed that if you select Bicycle(Graphhopper) instead of Bicycle(OSRM), it does route over the motorway link:

(25 Feb '20, 11:58) alan_gr

I agree with Richard. Map what is on the ground. I would rather be able to put a penalty on such connections.

(26 Feb '20, 09:05) datendelphin

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question asked: 24 Feb '20, 11:13

question was seen: 1,419 times

last updated: 26 Feb '20, 09:05

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