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Hi, I have never used OpenStreetMap but I would like to use it to develop an application for pedestrians in an urban environment. I have read that the Open Street Map (OSM) services allow, given lat and long of a starting and final points, to create a path on the sidewalks constituded by nodes connected through routes and with a minimum lenght. I would like to ask if it is possible to extract from the services the nodes positions and the routes north orientation into which the complete path has been divided. Based on OSM performances is it also possible to have an estimate of the position and the orientation accuracy? Thank you in advance for your attention and support. Best regards

asked 20 Feb '20, 15:05

SergioV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi. Some answers about the subject : old and recent. You have a lot of reading to do. ;-) Please tell if you need more pointers.

(22 Feb '20, 04:42) H_mlet

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question asked: 20 Feb '20, 15:05

question was seen: 853 times

last updated: 22 Feb '20, 04:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum