Let's say the user uses a tag, say craft=sawmill. But it doesn't show up on the map. He is not Tagging for the renderer. He simply needs to check if
The way to check even before getting started would be to look at the links on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:craft=sawmill . Surely one will lead to real live examples where he can see how this tag will render, even before he makes his first edit! He eventually gets to https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/craft=sawmill#map where he sees thousands of dots. Unfortunately they are not clickable. How can he see an example of how a tag renders? |
Of course, you can suggest a better tool is needed. Below is what I feel like being not faithful about user experience on "checking how a tag renders" in your description.:
If he is checking this deeply, he will need to know how to use the appropriate sources, tools, and resources to check. While checking the renderer for correct tagging may be quick and dirty, it is not always correct or a replacement for knowing the tags.
Including the wiki. "This article is a stub. You can help OpenStreetMap by expanding it.". The tag is also "in use" only, like many others.
Fortunately, they are not clickable. Such a small and rendered-static image will not be nice otherwise. It is a statistical diagram illustrating distribution, not an interactive "map". These are also used with as many combination of tags. Fortunaately, there's a "Overpass Turbo" button on the top right corner. OK. I found the problem is actually with iD, https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/7372
(19 Feb '20, 09:52)
I don't see a bug anywhere. You seem to be under the misconception that you directly edit the map displayed on www.openstreetmap.org. You don't. You edit geographical data that map makers use to build a map of their liking. Actually, you yourself are free to build a map that only shows woods and sawmills. Granted, that could maybe be made a bit clearer when editing in iD (or any other editor) but I don't seem to recall a lot of noise from other mappers around this issue.
(19 Feb '20, 14:02)
Some ideas: