Hi I am searching a way to tag a boundary, marked with historic boundary stones surrounding a historic fort part of the Unesco heritage. All military area's are marked with historic boundary stones, just to mark the borderline. There are several objects named in the Wiki but as far as I can see not boundary's. Has any one ever used a tag for that or should I make one according to the rules ? |
Hi. There is a boundary tag, but it's for political or administrative areas, so I don't think it applies here. If the boundary stones mark a military area, then you should just map the area enclosed by these stones as landuse=military ! Maybe I don't really understand the question, you could show us the map and photos of the place. Regards. Hi, H_mlet, tricky since the military left the area since 1990, but historical its surrounded or was by historic border stones, here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=13/52.2899/4.7265 around this dike. All the 46 fortresses were surrounded by about 14 boundary stones. When I started to map in OSM I just drew the borders in the midst of the moat, but wisdom grows within years and the stones are the corners of the fortress’s borders, just found by surveys.
(28 Feb '20, 16:12)
You should tag the stones, there is a dedicated tag : historic=boundary_stone. But for the area I don't think you should use the key boundary, as it's for political entities, or the value military, because the site isn't military anymore. You might use abandoned:landuse=military but that probably far-fetched. I guess The border does not now have any special meaning, except for the Unesco, so I think it should be mapped only as such. Also I see that you have tagged the building historic=fortress, but the documented tag seems to be historic=fort. For reference, the place I talk about is there : https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.28646/4.70369. By the way the map of the surroundings is astounding ! Hope this helps. There is one misfit in your remarks, the UNESCO nominee dos not include all the elements of the SvA. For instance the depots for material, amunition, water and food were left out of the original nomination. Ps I cant find H_mlet, just to tell you that Escada has the same kind of dog.
(29 Feb '20, 14:00)
I don't know what SvA is. But, to answer your original question, I don't think we map historic borders at all. The "ground truth" rule is tricky enough with current borders, and it's worse with outdated ones. My OSM name is H@mlet, which wasn't possible here. And yes it's a common type of dog. ;-)
(01 Mar '20, 15:17)
https://www.stellingvanamsterdam.nl/en sorry for the shortcut SvA.
(23 Mar '20, 11:42)
This is impressive. Don't forget to tag the managed facilities with operator="Stelling van Amsterdam" and website=, so that people looking for more information will easily find it. It seems each structure have their own website, for example for the one we looked before : https://www.ginds.org/. My humble opinion is that you should focus on the buildings and their current use, one is a restaurant, the other a museum, and so on. Regards.
(23 Mar '20, 13:44)
H_mlet, a bit late but I met one of the Ginds artists Sjimmie, he let me in to the battery and we talked some time. The admission is the largest obstacle or barrier to survey these structures.
(07 Nov '21, 22:01)