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Is there any reason why the inscription field for Commemorative Plaques [memorial=plaque] is limited to 255 characters? That is incredibly short, considering the average length of text on plaques and the like.

I am using the iD in-browser editor, but I assume this is universal.

Edit: Apparently, all OSM tag fields are limited to 255. They want you to cross-reference openplaques with an ID.

asked 15 Feb '20, 18:51

blairybeary's gravatar image

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edited 15 Feb '20, 19:12


Hi blairybeary, it sounds like you've answered your own question, but note that in addition to (or instead of) openplaques:id you can add an inscription:url tag with a link to the full inscription. This can be on Openplaques or anywhere else.

(15 Feb '20, 20:24) jmapb

This might be useful to you but is not an answer to your question: You can sort of work around by "abusing" the "problematic" number-suffix trick for multi-value tag. There are already a lot of inscription:2=, inscription:3=, etc uses. I suggest you use inscription:1= for the 1st part, to indicate it is not the full inscription=. Meanwhile, the character length issue is still open at

(16 Feb '20, 15:42) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 15 Feb '20, 18:51

question was seen: 1,116 times

last updated: 16 Feb '20, 15:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum