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i would like to find an app, which records your voice and links it to the gps location , exemple : if on a race-track you could have the feedback from the app, and you can modify/add the recorded information in the log, just by speaking

for example :

voice-start-cmd : START -> starts recording/playing your voice/recording during , if no entry and silence no recording, if gps position has voice recording, plays it , but still listens to voice and changes/adds the recorded information linked to that particular gps position

pause-cmd ; PAUSE -> pauses the recording only plays gps-location-linked information

stop-cmd : STOP no voice play / recording

the final result will be if for example you say at the beginning of the track PAUSE, it will play the instructions/info you entered during a previous pass-by ………. 90 degrees turn to right ahead , go in breaks smoothly , ….. slight turn to left,

or whatever instructions a rally co rider gives to the pilot

it could be some gadget , does not need to be an app

asked 14 Feb '20, 04:09

ronny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Feb '20, 04:13

Is the Colombus v-900 the answer to my question ?

(14 Feb '20, 07:03) ronny

Thanks I was just trying to simulate a way of functioning The Columbus v-900 series has a button to add 2 seconds of audio to a poi , so not continuously

Further More you need a gsm or PC To 'play' the traject.

I want all in one and working completely autonomous

(14 Feb '20, 09:23) ronny

Please do not use answers to expand or comment on the original question.

(14 Feb '20, 11:37) SimonPoole ♦

If you have recorded a gpx trace at the same time as the voice and the recording was accurately time stamped it can be georeferenced. As far as i know JOSM and GPSPrune can do this. OSM WIKI will have some background to this. I'm not familiar with the device/app you mention, sorry.

permanent link

answered 14 Feb '20, 09:00

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

how those this forum work ? ! there is a difference between the android site and here, i can not reply to answers in order to give feedback this forum is not standard, you can not give thumbs up etc ...

(19 Feb '20, 04:47) ronny

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question asked: 14 Feb '20, 04:09

question was seen: 4,321 times

last updated: 19 Feb '20, 04:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum