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I intended to mark another clear cut in the forest of our precious wildlife sanctuary. I realized something wrong with the changeset uploaded. I thought I simply can delete the new marking made, but unfortunately it removed the whole forest from Chiangmai all the way to the Burmese border:( I tried to invert my changes with but it didn’t work (system error) Changesets involved: 80909310 80909709 80910102 80910461
Is there any expert around, who can correct my terrible mistake? I would be very grateful for that. I am not a computer expert. I am afraid I have to rebuild the whole forest. I think it would be better do that in 4 independent smaller sections though.

asked 13 Feb '20, 06:40

kellerk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, There is a very large wood multipolygon still present that you've been working on. Please see this link :-
I think you either didn't delete it or have somehow repaired it. I tried reverting those changesets you mentioned but that only affected a small area, not the large wood area. So I've not uploaded the reversion. Please have a look at the relation linked above and see if its OK, report back if it's OK or if anything is wrong.

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answered 13 Feb '20, 08:25

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


I've checked all outers and inners for the multipolygon and all are OK. You just have to add the clear cut in the forest that you were trying to do. Need any help please just ask.

(13 Feb '20, 08:33) BCNorwich

I've created the clear cut area (tagged it as farmland) and added it to the relation as an inner, which is which you were doing originally. I don't think this has anything to do with the large wood area not being rendered.

(13 Feb '20, 10:18) BCNorwich

I found one inner area that extended across the outer area. I've rectified this so the inner is completely inside. If inners touch or cross the outer line that can cause problems, don't forget it takes time to re-render. The rain has stopped so I'm off out on a walkabout.

(13 Feb '20, 10:49) BCNorwich

Hi, late response sorry. I hope you see the wood now renders correctly.

Yes draw a polygon around the clear cut area, tag as necessary. That clear cut polygon has been added to the natural=wood multipolygon Relation: 4470418 as an inner.

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answered 28 Feb '20, 09:12

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thanks BCNorwich for your help. I notice the forest rendering correctly. Depending on zoom level quite slow though.

(28 Feb '20, 09:43) kellerk

Hi, great yes this is the forest. Just to make sure: I draw a line around the clear cut and add a relation Natural Wood / inner. Correct? Will it then the huge multi polygon be showing up as forest again? I struggled with that clear cut. A thousand thanks Kurt

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answered 13 Feb '20, 09:05

kellerk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Feb '20, 09:37

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question asked: 13 Feb '20, 06:40

question was seen: 1,866 times

last updated: 28 Feb '20, 16:53

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