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Hi !

There is a form to modify a map created in OSM to avoid the splitting of a route that crosses the International Dateline...? The resulting map looks ugly.

Thanks in advance

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asked 11 Feb '20, 09:46

StratoCat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, what tool are you using to create this map ?

(11 Feb '20, 15:26) H_mlet

I'm importing location coordinates (Lat, Long) in uMap (

(11 Feb '20, 15:53) StratoCat

After a number of tries, I finally found it ! You have to subtract 360 to all positive longitudes (the reverse might also work).

Here is your updated file

I used some vim magic to do it, first conversion from tsv to csv, then calculation :


You probably can do it with any spreadsheet software, but I'm glad I've learned to do it with vim. ;-)

Side note, gpsbabel is great for converting positions, especially to gpx as track, but was not needed after all. I just exported my already shown try, and looked at the data. When I found a longitude of -247 I guessed this would work.

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answered 11 Feb '20, 18:04

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


It also works by adding 360 to negative longitudes, and this is the command :

(11 Feb '20, 18:07) H_mlet

Absolutelly Awesome. You saved my day ... really.

A BIG thank you!

(11 Feb '20, 19:51) StratoCat

You're welcome. :-) It should be documented somewhere...

(11 Feb '20, 22:02) H_mlet

Did you try to manually center your map on the pacific ?

I've created a polyline across this ocean, and it looks alright, see below.

You might share your map URL, or the original data, for further experimentation.


umap across pacific

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answered 11 Feb '20, 16:06

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 11 Feb '20, 16:07

Sure... the URL is

The data are lat,lon locations

(11 Feb '20, 16:12) StratoCat

Lat Lon 41.090046 -117.24723 41.246807 -116.93441 41.386356 -116.76473 41.585396 -116.60854 41.72139 -116.30826

(11 Feb '20, 16:14) StratoCat

It looks like an old unsolved problem :

It's sad if it works only with a manual polyline. You might try to convert your csv to a GPX "track", and import, to force it to display as a line.

Or try to draw a line across the pacific, before the import ?

Please send a CSV file if you want me to try these things.


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answered 11 Feb '20, 16:29

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Any help on this will be very welcome.

How I can convert it to GPX?

The CSV file can be found here

(11 Feb '20, 16:40) StratoCat

It looks so nice now...

alt text

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answered 11 Feb '20, 19:57

StratoCat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 11 Feb '20, 09:46

question was seen: 2,220 times

last updated: 11 Feb '20, 22:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum